Cowlitz Falls North Shore Collector

North Fork 1000 cfs Floating Surface Collector

North Fork Exclusion Net

Foster Dam and Reservoir Adult Fish Facility Upgrade

North Fork Adult Sorting Facility

Swift Downstream Fish Passage Project

Baker Fish Hatchery Renovation

Cougar Fish Trap & Haul Facility

Elk Creek Dam Fish Passage

Lower Granite Lock & Dam Adult Fish Trap Modifications

Upper Baker Floating Surface Collector

River Mill Dam Fish Ladder & Spillway Modification Project

Landsburg Fish Passage Project

Leaburg & Walterville Project Improvements

Electron Dam Fish Ladder

Umatilla Satellite & Release Facility

Cle Elum Hatchery

White River Fish Screen

Three Mile Dam Adult Holding & Spawning Facility

Thorn Hollow Acclimation & Release Site

Fred Gray Acclimation & Release Site

Merwin Trout Hatchery

Umatilla Fish Hatchery

North Fork 1000 cfs Floating Surface Collector

North Fork Exclusion Net

Foster Dam and Reservoir Adult Fish Facility Updgrade

Swift Downstream Fish Passage Project

Newport International Terminal Renovation

Bull Run Decommissioning - Marmot Dam Removal

River Mill Fish Ladder & Spillway

Willow Lake WPCF

Willamette Water Treatment Plan

Clackamas River Water Intake

French Creek Pumping Plant

Marmot Dam Rehabilitation

Swift No. 2 Hydrolelectric Project - Surge Arresting Structure

75 MGD Transmission Conduit Phase II

Willow Lake Water  Pollution Control Facility Outfall & Diffuser Project

Columbia Slough Consolidation Project - Segment 3

Transmission Line No. 2 Relocation

Cold Springs Pumping Plant

Tolt River Pipeline

Columbia River Pumping Plant

The Natt McDougall Company has had extensive experience using alternative project delivery methods that include the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) arrangement as a means of delivering a Project efficiently.  When the CM/GC technique was first introduced in the late 1980's, it was within the building sector of construction that the method became known, and in the State of Oregon particularly so.  The traditional Design-Bid-Build approach, which was the norm for getting public projects build for most of the last century, was supplanted by the CM/GC method or variations of it as a reaction to excessive claims by Contractors who had no involvement in the design process.  There was actually a significant mentality among contractors to fight CM/GC initially with the thinking that the firm with the fanciest proposal would win the job, regardless of ability.

Our experience with the following types of construction projects are listed below:

Guilds Lake Pump Station Improvements

Grant Street Influent Pump Station

Lower Tualatin Pump Station

75 MGD Transmission Conduit Phase II

Clackamas River Intake Modifications

Kingsley Field Industrial Pumping Station

Fanno Basin Pump Station

Columbia Boulevard Influent Pump Station

Pump Stations #1 & #4

Cozine Pump Station

Clackamas River Water Intake

Cold Springs Pumping Plant

Columbia River Pumping Plant

French Creek Pumping Plant

​York Pumping Station

Elk Creek Dam Fish Passage

Newport International Terminal Renovation

Bull Run Decommissioning - Marmot Dam Removal

River Mill Fish Ladder & Spillway

Marmot Dam Rehabilitation

Newport International Terminal Renovation

Replacement of Oswego Canal Bridge

Swift No. 2 Hydro-Surge Arresting Structure

Larson's Roadway & Pipeline Bridge

Electron Fish Trap & Flume Replacement

Little White Salmon Bridge Replacement

Siphon Power Project

Lower Tualatin Pump Station

Willamette Water Treatment Plant

Cozine Pump Station

​Harriet Powerhouse

Foster Dam and Reservoir Adult Fish Facility Upgrade

Cougar Fish Trap and Haul Facility

Franzen Reservoir Rehabilitation

Clear Branch Dam

Faraday Dam

Marmot Dam Rehabilitation

Forest Grove Wastewater Treatment Facility - Liquid Stream Upgrade

Willow Lake WPCF - River Road Wet Weather Treatment Facililty

Sludge Settling Ponds and Dechlorination System 

Existing River Intake Improvements

Geren Island Treatment Facility - Slow Sand Filter No. 1

Kalamath Falls WWTP Improvements

Willamette Water Treatment Plant

Bull Run Headworks Intake Project

Redmond Water Pollution Control Facility

Geren Island Treatment Facility Phase II

Geren Island Treatment Facility